Monday, August 27, 2007

Yoga teachers are human too

Can you believe this title? I mean, really, don't you think they aren't human? Isn't all the yoga asana & pranayama & meditation supposed to make those that teach yoga somewhat "superhuman"?

Well...think again. As I type this post I am home sick. Yep, and I teach yoga too. And believe it or not...I even had to get a sub for my yoga class tonight because I'm sick.

Part of me feels guilty. I should be out teaching yoga, working, right? Yet my body says, rather abruptly: "STOP! You need to slow down whether you want to or not."

And I'm listening. I realize that going non-stop creates an imbalance, so I'm in the Yin mood today. I'm trying to take it easy...and get better.

So there--I said it. I get sick-just like most other folks on the planet. I get sick and I get colds sometimes too. I get sore throats, headaches, fevers, and the like. So truly we have more things in common than things that separate us.

I even go to doctors too. :) And I like the fact I have doctors that are so great at helping keep me healthy!

So part of me felt like posting to tell you all the great yoga things you could do (or I could do) to help from getting sick. But since I've been sick for the past week, I felt it best to just post about the fact yoga teachers get sick too.

And to top it all off, I got sick on vacation. I can hear all the "poor you" coming my way now. Yes, getting sick on vacation is absolutely no fun. But it does happens, so it's still part of our experience.

Today I'm embracing the human in me...the part of me that can catch bugs, the part of me that can get sick after breathing recirculated air from a sold out flight to the West coast and the part of me that does enjoy a throat lozenge when my throat is so sore.

Remember we are all human. We all want to be healthy, happy, and free.

Today, I'm focusing on the healthy part of that...and I'm embracing compassion towards myself, and acceptance. No need to struggle more...I'll just stay in bed, and really relax.

Maybe I'll just go do savasana now.

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