Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Summer of French Braids

Just recently, I did something I always thought I couldn't do--something I was convinced I wouldn't be able to do.

Since it's been SO hot outside, I really wanted to do something different with this stuff atop my head. I actually talked a sweet coworker into doing a french braid for me one Friday after work. It reminded me of being a little girl, sitting on the floor, while my mom or one of my aunts braided my hair. I think I almost forgot how nice it was to have the hair off my neck!

After that braid, I really wanted more. And that same weekend, I had someone else braid it before a yoga workshop because I didn't want to mess with my hair that day. Since I'm growing my hair out...this seemed like a smart alternative. I had found a great new hair option, but I thought to myself, "oh...I don't want to keep bugging my friends and coworkers to keep doing this for me". I wanted to be able to do it myself. But, did I mention, I can't do that? Thoughts of great arm pain in attempts to do this very thing myself in the past haunted my brain.

But I figured, let me do some research. So thanks to google, I found a great article on how to french braid your own hair. Ahhh... and there was a tip for my tired arms!

So I gave it a shot. I french braided my own hair. First one turned out okay, but I knew with practice I could improve. I gave myself the task to braid my hair everyday before work for one week. I figured by the end of the week I'll had it down.

I tried braiding it wet; I tried doing it after the hair was dry. I tried using different products--You name it. And now, I found what works best for me. I can now braid my hair in about 5-7 mins!

The week of french braids was about one month ago. Now I mainly do the braid when I have lots of teaching after work. It's great for yoga, because I can roll backwards, and not have a clip press into the back of my head!

I write this story for you today to show you that you too can do something you never thought you could. If you get out of the little box you've created for your self, you'll see that truly the possibilities are endless.

And all this is like our yoga practice. Try different types. Try different times of the day to practice. Try different teachers. But let your inner teacher be your guide. Find what works best for you...and practice.

As I write today, my hair is french braided! ;o)

May you begin to notice the limits you place on yourself.

Om Shanti,


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