Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gearing up for great change

Wow...just 3 days left of work at the "job job". Can you believe it? Then I have all next week to see friends, get packing, party...oh and did I mention PACKING?

It's amazing to think that soon enough I'll be heading to New Orleans to help open a yoga studio. What a blessing! I cannot begin to tell you just how cool it is to begin to really follow my dreams!

I've been so fortunate in this life to find what it seems I'm most passionate about. And I've been fortunate enough to be teaching yoga part-time here in Raleigh for the last 6 years. But even doing something part-time while working a "job job" can wear you thin at times.

Feeling the shift of my passion for teaching moving from the back burner as a profession to the front is so inspiring. I can't even begin to explain how it feels at times.

BUT....I'll try to update the blog with how it all goes. I feel as if I'm in for an awesome journey.

Thank you all for your support....and encouragement.

My last class here in Raleigh is next Saturday. We have the yoga mala THIS Saturday the 20th from 10:30am to 1pm. Hope to see you there!

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