Sunday, June 21, 2009

More on the Hug Campaign

The Free Hug video really touched me. I'm sure you have had days when all you needed was a hug. Days where you didn't want anyone's advice, didn't want to talk about it, and just wanted someone to be there with a hug.

I just wanted to share some more on the Free Hug and how it started. Oh, and don't forget to hug you dad today! ;)

On how the hug campaign started from

How it all started:

I'd been living in London when my world turned upside down and I'd had to come home. By the time my plane landed back in Sydney, all I had left was a carry on bag full of clothes and a world of troubles. No one to welcome me back, no place to call home. I was a tourist in my hometown.

Standing there in the arrivals terminal, watching other passengers meeting their waiting friends and family, with open arms and smiling faces, hugging and laughing together, I wanted someone out there to be waiting for me. To be happy to see me. To smile at me. To hug me.

So I got some cardboard and a marker and made a sign. I found the busiest pedestrian intersection in the city and held that sign aloft, with the words "Free Hugs" on both sides.And for 15 minutes, people just stared right through me. The first person who stopped, tapped me on the shoulder and told me how her dog had just died that morning. How that morning had been the one year anniversary of her only daughter dying in a car accident. How what she needed now, when she felt most alone in the world, was a hug. I got down on one knee, we put our arms around each other and when we parted, she was smiling.

Everyone has problems and for sure mine haven't compared. But to see someone who was once frowning, smile even for a moment, is worth it every time.

Check out this sweet video! And go hug someone!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gearing up for great change

Wow...just 3 days left of work at the "job job". Can you believe it? Then I have all next week to see friends, get packing, party...oh and did I mention PACKING?

It's amazing to think that soon enough I'll be heading to New Orleans to help open a yoga studio. What a blessing! I cannot begin to tell you just how cool it is to begin to really follow my dreams!

I've been so fortunate in this life to find what it seems I'm most passionate about. And I've been fortunate enough to be teaching yoga part-time here in Raleigh for the last 6 years. But even doing something part-time while working a "job job" can wear you thin at times.

Feeling the shift of my passion for teaching moving from the back burner as a profession to the front is so inspiring. I can't even begin to explain how it feels at times.

BUT....I'll try to update the blog with how it all goes. I feel as if I'm in for an awesome journey.

Thank you all for your support....and encouragement.

My last class here in Raleigh is next Saturday. We have the yoga mala THIS Saturday the 20th from 10:30am to 1pm. Hope to see you there!