Friday, July 31, 2009

From the mat tonight

It's hard to believe I've been in Southern Louisiana for almost a month! And in this month, I've been super busy, super excited, and super inspired. There is really SO much to write and so much to say. One of my goals since the move is to blog more. :o) And even though I'm just now jumping back into it...I'm looking forward to much more.

I could start out by telling you about my first impressions of the area. Or how exciting and scary a BIG move like this was for me. Or how I'm getting into my real flow. Or tell you what I think about the bugs.
But you know what? I think I'll leave you in suspense on all that for now.
Instead, I think I'll start by telling you about something I finally did last night.

With many moves, the movers feel so accomplished when the last box is unpacked. Surprisingly, that's not what I'm going to say.

In all honesty, I've really only unpacked two boxes. ONLY TWO!! And if you know me...that might sound CRAZY!

It's strange. But getting into the flow for me lately has been really learning to relax into things. To chill. And so far, that has been my greatest challenge. (Try going from 5 Google Calendars to's a different way of being!)

Back to last night. What I finally did was this: I unpacked the suitcase I've been living out of since Crystal's wedding back in June. I'd wear the same clothes, wash them of course, and put them back in the suitcase.

I have my space almost set up. I have a comfy place to sleep that is SO peaceful. And now, my one suitcase of clothes has found it's home. And just that seemingly simple event helps me also feel more at home.

And you know what? Home isn't so much a physical place. It's more about the place where you are with it. Where you are in your mind, where you are in the world...and just how comfortable you are with it all.
Tonight I encourage to you explore just how comfortable you really are. Not simply how comfortable your home is. But how comfortable you are where you are right now. Where you are in your life...where you are in your heart...where you choose to plant yourself.
How comfortable are you with yourself and all your choices in this moment?
I think taking my time on unpacking really shows that I felt at home here from day one. Even with everything still in a suitcase.
I'm learning so much here. So much about myself it's going to be a journey just to share it on this blog.

Thanks to everyone that supported me in making this leap. And thanks to those that maybe weren't so supportive but still in their own ways, were there for me.

From my mat this evening I send just a few pictures. My purple mat on the floor in my new space. And a picture of one view from my mat.

In love and light and truth,
