Thursday, March 13, 2008

On your hands and upside down!

Tonight at Golds we had our themed Thursday class. And tonight was Arm Balances & Inversions! I want to thank all of you that came out!

We had newer yogis and some long term yogis too. The stories you shared before class were inspiring, funny, and sweet too. Thanks again.

I was truly amazed at your willingness to try something NEW!

Sometimes you don't realize what you can do until you try. And heck, sometimes you don't realize how you can hold handstand...unti it just happens.

Much love,

Monday, March 3, 2008


Lately I've been thinking about blooming, like my teacher Erich, encourages. I mention this to my students help them blossom their poses and reach higher. But it's not so much a's an easing into your Self, and expanding.

Here's a quote I have in my bedroom to remind me to bloom. I hope you enjoy.

"It's not arrogant to bloom.

It's not egotistical to bloom.

If anything, it's egotistical to feel crummy about yourself,

and then...


May you bloom.