Saturday, February 23, 2008

Home sweet home or Om sweet Om?

Here's a sweet story from this morning's yoga class. In class today was a fairly new yogini. I believe she said it was her second class. New to some asanas and brand new to my class, she did great the whole class keeping up with the flow and moving with everyone else.

We chanted 'Om' at the beginning and the end of class this morning. The one at the end had a nice, smooth, deep quality to it. The energy was great!!

After class, our new yogini friend came up to inquire about what we were chanting. She wasn't sure and hadn't done it before and wanted to learn. She asked, "Were we chanting 'home'?"

Although she seemed to miss the fact we were chanting another mantra, in many ways, she was spot on. Om brings us home. And in a sweet way, she helped us realize that indeed it is our practice that brings us home.

Yoga helps bring us to center. It helps us become more grounded, more still even in the midst of our crazy, hectic lives. And if you're like spend lots of time going from place to place. Sometimes it seems I'm only home to sleep, especially in weeks like this last one. However, our practice travels with us. It's a way of bringing us home no matter where we are.

Just this past week, as soon as I got to my hotel room while I was traveling with business, one of the first things I did was put my yoga mat out...facing the window. It's one way I can bring home with me where I go.

As sweet as Om is...
It sure seems that home may be even sweeter some days.

Many thanks to the dear student that helped remind me how close Om is to home.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks to all the wonderful couples that came out to do Partner Yoga with me last night! And thanks to those that even stayed for a second class!
Don't you just love your new massage tables?


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Partner Yoga

This week, join me for a partner yoga class on Wed at 5:45pm. We'll explore the yoga of connection together, with guided meditations and partner yoga poses.
